New Website, New Life
Well I have moved my website. Trying to expand my reach. You know picking a website for a new project is not easy. So many things to consider....cost, integrations, capability, service, functionality. Of course none are perfect and you have to compromise no matter what. It's a good life lesson.
This is probably the 8th website I have ever set up. Every time I do this it is exciting and frustrating all at the same time. A website that sells things, is even trickier especially since I am trying to integrate with ETSY. I went with GoDaddy which so far is pretty nice. I'm not crazy about their name though.......again compromise.
My hope with this blog is to share general thoughts and information that come to mind as well as information and uses concerning my products and my continuing struggle with my "Nearly Zero Waste" efforts (I can't really claim to be a complete zero waster!!). I hope you will follow along with me.
Dr Soaper